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There are 13 words beginning with STET

STETstet n. A symbol used by proofreaders and typesetters to indicate that a word or phrase that was crossed out…
stet v. (Transitive) To let (edited material) stand, or remain as it was.
STET v. (Latin) to cancel a previously made printing correction.
STETHOSCOPEstethoscope n. (Medicine) A medical instrument used for listening to sounds produced within the body.
stethoscope v. (Transitive) To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPE n. an instrument with which to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs, etc.
STETHOSCOPESstethoscopes n. Plural of stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPE n. an instrument with which to listen to the sounds produced by the heart, lungs, etc.
STETHOSCOPICstethoscopic adj. Using a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPIC adj. relating to use of the stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPIESSTETHOSCOPY n. examination with a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPISTstethoscopist n. One skilled in the use of the stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPIST n. one who uses a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPISTSstethoscopists n. Plural of stethoscopist.
STETHOSCOPIST n. one who uses a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPYstethoscopy n. (Medicine) The diagnostic use of a stethoscope.
STETHOSCOPY n. examination with a stethoscope.
STETSstets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stet.
STET v. (Latin) to cancel a previously made printing correction.
STETSONstetson n. Alternative letter-case form of Stetson.
Stetson prop.n. A male given name.
Stetson prop.n. A surname.
STETSONSstetsons n. Plural of stetson.
Stetsons prop.n. Plural of Stetson.
Stetsons n. Plural of Stetson.
STETTEDstetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of stet.
STET v. (Latin) to cancel a previously made printing correction.
STETTINGstetting v. Present participle of stet.
STET v. (Latin) to cancel a previously made printing correction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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