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There are 17 words beginning with SPOI

SPOILspoil v. (Transitive, archaic) To strip (someone who has been killed or defeated) of their arms or armour.
spoil v. (Transitive, archaic) To strip or deprive (someone) of their possessions; to rob, despoil.
spoil v. (Transitive, intransitive, archaic) To plunder, pillage (A city, country etc.).
SPOILSspoils n. That which is taken from another by violence; especially, the plunder taken from an enemy; pillage; booty.
spoils n. Waste material left over in the course of excavation, construction, mining, or dredging operations.
spoils n. Public offices and their benefits regarded as the peculiar property of a successful party or faction…
SPOILTspoilt adj. (UK) Having lost its original value.
spoilt adj. Of food, that has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible.
spoilt adj. (Of a person, usually a child) Having a selfish or greedy character, especially due to pampering.
SPOILEDspoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of spoil.
spoiled adj. (Of food) That has deteriorated to the point of no longer being usable or edible.
spoiled adj. (Of a person) The state of being heavily pampered.
SPOILERspoiler n. One who spoils; a plunderer; a pillager; a robber; a despoiler.
spoiler n. One who corrupts, mars, or renders useless.
spoiler n. A document, review or comment that discloses the ending or some key surprise or twist in a story, or…
SPOILAGEspoilage n. The part of something that has spoiled.
spoilage n. The process of spoiling.
SPOILAGE n. something that is spoiled or wasted.
SPOILERSspoilers n. Plural of spoiler.
spoilers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spoiler.
SPOILER n. one who spoils.
SPOILFULspoilful adj. (Obsolete) Destructive, pillaging.
SPOILFUL adj. wasteful; rapacious, also SPOYLEFULL.
SPOILINGspoiling v. Present participle of spoil.
spoiling n. Plunder; pillage.
SPOIL v. to mar.
SPOILABLEspoilable adj. Liable to spoil or go bad.
SPOILABLE adj. capable of being spoiled.
SPOILAGESspoilages n. Plural of spoilage.
SPOILAGE n. something that is spoiled or wasted.
SPOILFIVEspoilfive n. A card game in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said…
spoil␣five n. Alternative form of spoilfive.
SPOILFIVE n. a certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.
SPOILSMANspoilsman n. (US) A politician who serves only for a share of the spoils.
SPOILSMAN n. (US) someone who looks for profit out of politics or who advocates the spoils system.
SPOILSMENspoilsmen n. Plural of spoilsman.
SPOILSMAN n. (US) someone who looks for profit out of politics or who advocates the spoils system.
SPOILFIVESSPOILFIVE n. a certain game at cards in which, if no player wins three of the five tricks possible on any deal, the game is said to be spoiled.
SPOILSPORTspoilsport n. Someone who puts an end to others’ fun, especially harmless fun.
spoilsport adj. Like a spoilsport.
spoil-sport n. (Dated) Alternative form of spoilsport.
SPOILSPORTSspoilsports n. Plural of spoilsport.
spoil-sports n. Plural of spoil-sport.
SPOILSPORT n. one who spoils the sport or pleasure of others.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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