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There are 14 words beginning with SMOR

SMORBRODSMORBROD n. (Norwegian) hors d'oeuvres served on slices of buttered bread, also SMORG, SMORGASBORD, SMORREBROD.
SMORBRODSSMORBROD n. (Norwegian) hors d'oeuvres served on slices of buttered bread, also SMORG, SMORGASBORD, SMORREBROD.
SMOREsmore v. (Obsolete, transitive) To smother.
smore n. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of s’more.
s'more n. (US, Canada) A snack food made by combining graham crackers, marshmallows (frequently toasted) and chocolate…
SMOREDsmored v. Simple past tense and past participle of smore.
SMORE v. (Scots) to smother, extinguish, also SMOOR.
SMORESsmores n. Alternative spelling of s’mores.
s'mores n. Plural of s’more.
SMORE v. (Scots) to smother, extinguish, also SMOOR.
SMORGSMORG n. (short for) smorgasbord.
SMORGASBORDsmorgasbord n. A Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes; (by extension) any…
smorgasbord n. (Figuratively) An abundant and diverse collection of things.
smörgåsbord n. Alternative form of smorgasbord.
SMORGASBORDSsmorgasbords n. Plural of smorgasbord.
smörgåsbords n. Plural of smörgåsbord.
SMORGASBORD n. (Norwegian) a buffet featuring various dishes, such as hors d'oeuvres, salads, etc., also SMORBROD, SMORG, SMORREBROD.
SMORGSSMORG n. (short for) smorgasbord.
SMORINGsmoring v. Present participle of smore.
SMORE v. (Scots) to smother, extinguish, also SMOOR.
SMORREBRODsmorrebrod n. Alternative spelling of smørrebrød.
smörrebröd n. Alternative spelling of smørrebrød.
smørrebrød n. An open-faced sandwich that usually consists of a piece of buttered rye bread, topped with commercial…
SMORREBRODSsmorrebrods n. Plural of smorrebrod.
smörrebröds n. Plural of smörrebröd.
smørrebrøds n. Plural of smørrebrød.
SMORZANDOsmorzando adv. (Music) Fading away.
SMORZANDO adv. (Italian) with a gradual fading away, growing slower and softer, also SMORZATO.
SMORZATOSMORZATO adv. (Italian) with a gradual fading away, growing slower and softer, also SMORZANDO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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