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There are 14 words beginning with SMAS

SMASHsmash n. The sound of a violent impact; a violent striking together.
smash n. (Britain, colloquial) A traffic collision.
smash n. (Colloquial) Something very successful or popular (as music, food, fashion, etc).
SMASHEDsmashed adj. (Slang) Drunk.
smashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of smash.
SMASH v. to shatter violently.
SMASHERsmasher n. Something that, or someone who, smashes.
smasher n. (Slang) An attractive person (see also smashing).
smasher n. (Slang, dated) Anything very large or extraordinary; a whopper.
SMASHESsmashes n. Plural of smash.
smashes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of smash.
SMASH v. to shatter violently.
SMASHUPsmashup n. (Informal) An abrupt, damaging breakdown or failure.
smashup n. (Informal) A violent collision involving one or more vehicles.
smashup n. An instance or the result of smashing; that which has been smashed into pieces.
SMASHERSsmashers n. Plural of smasher.
smashers n. Mashed potatoes.
SMASHER n. one that smashes.
SMASHINGsmashing adj. Serving to smash (something).
smashing adj. (Originally US, now Britain and Ireland) Wonderful, very good or impressive.
smashing n. Gerund: The action of the verb to smash.
SMASHUPSsmashups n. Plural of smashup.
SMASHUP n. a collision of motor vehicles.
SMASHABLEsmashable adj. Able to be smashed.
SMASHABLE adj. that can be smashed.
SMASHEROOsmasheroo n. A blockbuster; a movie, play, song, or other form of commercial entertainment that is a smash hit.
smasheroo n. (By extension) A big success.
smasheroo n. A violent collision.
SMASHINGSsmashings n. Plural of smashing.
SMASHING n. the act of smashing.
SMASHEROOSsmasheroos n. Plural of smasheroo.
SMASHEROO n. (colloquial) a thing of superlative quality.
SMASHINGLYsmashingly adv. In a smashing way.
SMASHING adv. strikingly good.
SMASHMOUTHsmashmouth adj. Alternative spelling of smash-mouth.
smash-mouth adj. Violent; aggressive; vigorous.
SMASHMOUTH adj. of, for example, football, characterized by brute force without finesse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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