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There are 9 words beginning with SINF

SINFONIAsinfonia n. A symphony.
sinfonia n. A piece or music serving as an overture, interlude or ritornello.
sinfonia n. A small symphony orchestra.
SINFONIASsinfonias n. Plural of sinfonia.
SINFONIA n. (Italian) a symphony; a symphony orchestra.
SINFONIEsinfonie n. Plural of sinfonia.
SINFONIA n. (Italian) a symphony; a symphony orchestra.
SINFONIETTAsinfonietta n. (Music) A small-scale symphony (either in length or size of orchestra needed).
sinfonietta n. (Music) A small orchestra.
SINFONIETTA n. (Italian) a short or simple symphony.
SINFONIETTASsinfoniettas n. Plural of sinfonietta.
SINFONIETTA n. (Italian) a short or simple symphony.
SINFULsinful adj. Having sinned; guilty of sin.
sinful adj. Constituting a sin; morally or religiously wrong; wicked; evil.
sinful adj. (Colloquial) decadent (luxuriously self-indulgent).
SINFULLYsinfully adv. In a sinful manner; wickedly.
sinfully adv. To an extent or degree that is sinful.
SINFUL adv. tainted with sin.
SINFULNESSsinfulness n. (Uncountable) The property of being sinful.
sinfulness n. (Countable) The result or product of being sinful.
SINFULNESS n. the state of being sinful.
SINFULNESSESsinfulnesses n. Plural of sinfulness.
SINFULNESS n. the state of being sinful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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