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There are 13 words beginning with SIND

SINDSind prop.n. Archaic form of Sindh.
SIND v. (Scots) to rinse, wash out, also SINE, SYND, SYNE.
SINDSSIND v. (Scots) to rinse, wash out, also SINE, SYND, SYNE.
SINDEDSIND v. (Scots) to rinse, wash out, also SINE, SYND, SYNE.
SINDONsindon n. (Obsolete or historical) A fine thin linen muslin or cambric cloth.
sindon n. (Obsolete or historical) A piece of such cloth, particularly.
SINDON n. (archaic) a fine thin fabric of linen, cotton, or silk.
SINDINGSINDING n. the act of rinsing.
SINDONSsindons n. Plural of sindon.
SINDON n. (archaic) a fine thin fabric of linen, cotton, or silk.
SINDINGSSINDINGS n. the act of rinsing.
SINDONOLOGYsindonology n. The study of the Shroud of Turin from a believing perspective.
SINDONOLOGY n. the study of the shroud of Turin.
SINDONOPHANYSINDONOPHANY n. the periodic exhibiting of the Turin shroud to the public.
SINDONOLOGIESSINDONOLOGY n. the study of the shroud of Turin.
SINDONOLOGISTsindonologist n. One who studies the Shroud of Turin from a believing perspective.
SINDONOLOGIST n. an expert on the Turin shroud.
SINDONOLOGISTSsindonologists n. Plural of sindonologist.
SINDONOLOGIST n. an expert on the Turin shroud.
SINDONOPHANIESSINDONOPHANY n. the periodic exhibiting of the Turin shroud to the public.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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