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There are 15 words beginning with SHIK

SHIKARshikar n. (India) Hunting, sport; a hunting expedition.
shikar n. Hunting guide (elsewhere besides India, e.g. Australia).
shikar v. (India, dated, transitive, intransitive) To hunt; to go hunting.
SHIKRAshikra n. A species of hawk, Accipiter badius.
SHIKRA n. (Hindi) a small sparrow hawk.
SHIKARAshikara n. (India, nautical) A type of small wooden boat.
SHIKARA n. (Hindi) a light, flat-bottomed boat in Kashmir.
SHIKARIshikari n. A hunter or tracker, especially in the Indian subcontinent.
shikari n. (Historical) A shooting-boat used in the Kashmir lakes.
SHIKARI n. (Urdu) a hunter, esp. of big game, also SHIKAREE.
SHIKARSshikars n. Plural of shikar.
SHIKAR v. (Urdu) to hunt (animal) as sport.
SHIKKERshikker n. Alternative form of shicker.
SHIKKER n. (Australian slang) strong liquor; a drunk, also SHICKER.
SHIKRASshikras n. Plural of shikra.
SHIKRA n. (Hindi) a small sparrow hawk.
SHIKARASshikaras n. Plural of shikara.
SHIKARA n. (Hindi) a light, flat-bottomed boat in Kashmir.
SHIKAREEshikaree n. Dated form of shikari.
SHIKAREE n. (Urdu) a hunter, esp. of big game, also SHIKARI.
SHIKARISshikaris n. Plural of shikari.
SHIKARI n. (Urdu) a hunter, esp. of big game, also SHIKAREE.
SHIKKERSshikkers n. Plural of shikker.
SHIKKER n. (Australian slang) strong liquor; a drunk, also SHICKER.
SHIKAREESshikarees n. Plural of shikaree.
SHIKAREE n. (Urdu) a hunter, esp. of big game, also SHIKARI.
SHIKARREDshikarred v. Simple past tense and past participle of shikar.
SHIKAR v. (Urdu) to hunt (animal) as sport.
SHIKKEREDshikkered adj. Alternative form of shickered.
SHIKKERED adj. (Australian slang) drunk, also SHICKERED.
SHIKARRINGshikarring v. Present participle of shikar.
SHIKAR v. (Urdu) to hunt (animal) as sport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 66 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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