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There are 16 words beginning with SHAS

SHASHshash n. (Obsolete) The scarf of a turban.
shash n. (Obsolete) A sash.
shash n. (Television) Synonym of snow (“random pattern of dots when there is no signal”).
SHASHEDshashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of shash.
SHASH v. to provide with a sash.
SHASHESshashes n. Plural of shash.
SHASH v. to provide with a sash.
SHASHINGshashing v. Present participle of shash.
SHASH v. to provide with a sash.
SHASHLICKshashlick n. Alternative spelling of shashlik.
SHASHLICK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLIK, SHASLIK.
SHASHLICKSshashlicks n. Plural of shashlick.
SHASHLICK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLIK, SHASLIK.
SHASHLIKshashlik n. A form of shish kebab, originally made of marinated lamb meat.
SHASHLIK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLICK, SHASLIK.
SHASHLIKSshashliks n. Plural of shashlik.
SHASHLIK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLICK, SHASLIK.
SHASLIKshaslik n. Alternative spelling of shashlik.
SHASLIK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLICK, SHASHLIK.
SHASLIKSshasliks n. Plural of shaslik.
SHASLIK n. (Russian) a type of lamb kebab, also SHASHLICK, SHASHLIK.
SHASTAShasta prop.n. An extinct Native American language, formerly spoken from northern California into southwestern Oregon.
Shasta prop.n. A brand of cola.
Shasta prop.n. A place name.
SHASTASShastas n. Plural of Shasta.
SHASTA n. a flowering plant of the daisy family.
SHASTERShaster n. Alternative form of Shastra.
SHASTER n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SASTRA, SHASTRA.
SHASTERSShasters n. Plural of Shaster.
SHASTER n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SASTRA, SHASTRA.
SHASTRAshastra n. Alternative form of Shastra.
Shastra n. A treatise for authoritative instruction in Hinduism, especially one explaining the Vedas.
SHASTRA n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SASTRA, SHASTER.
SHASTRASshastras n. Plural of shastra.
Shastras n. Plural of Shastra.
SHASTRA n. (Sanskrit) any of the sacred writings of Hinduism, also SASTRA, SHASTER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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