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There are 9 words beginning with SEXE

SEXEDsexed adj. Having a sex; being male or female.
sexed adj. (In combination) Having a quantifiable libido or particular sex drive.
sexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sex.
SEXENNIALsexennial adj. Pertaining to a period of six years; taking place once every six years.
sexennial n. A sexennial event.
SEXENNIAL adj. lasting six years, or happening once in six years.
SEXENNIALLYsexennially adv. Once in every six years.
SEXENNIAL adv. lasting six years, or happening once in six years.
SEXENNIALSsexennials n. Plural of sexennial.
SEXENNIAL n. a six-year anniversary.
SEXERsexer n. Agent noun of the verb, to sex; one who determines the sex of living things.
SEXER n. one who sexes fowls.
SEXERCISEsexercise n. Sexual exercise; the performance of sexual activity as a means of promoting health and fitness.
sexercise n. Exercise that is directed towards the improvement of sexual performance.
SEXERCISE n. sexual activity regarded as a way of keeping fit.
SEXERCISESsexercises n. Plural of sexercise.
SEXERCISE n. sexual activity regarded as a way of keeping fit.
SEXERSsexers n. Plural of sexer.
SEXER n. one who sexes fowls.
SEXESsexes n. Plural of sex.
sexes n. Plural of sexe.
sexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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