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There are 20 words beginning with SEST

SESTETsestet n. (Music) A piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments; a sextet or sestuor.
sestet n. (Poetry) The last six lines of a sonnet, forming two stanzas of three lines each.
SESTET n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTETT, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTONseston n. All particulate matter suspended in bodies of water such as lakes and seas, including plankton, organic…
SESTON n. (Greek) a very small plankton organism.
SESTETSsestets n. Plural of sestet.
SESTET n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTETT, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTETTsestett n. Archaic form of sestet.
SESTETT n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTET, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTINAsestina n. (Poetry) A highly structured poem consisting of six six-line stanzas followed by a tercet or envoy…
sestina n. (Music) A chord comprising the first six members of the harmonic series.
SESTINA n. (Italian) an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINE, SEXTAIN.
SESTINEsestine n. (Poetry) A sextain.
SESTINE n. an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINA, SEXTAIN.
SESTONSsestons n. Plural of seston.
SESTON n. (Greek) a very small plankton organism.
SESTERCEsesterce n. (Numismatics) A sestertius.
SESTERCE n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERTIUS.
SESTETTEsestette n. Archaic form of sestet.
SESTETTE n. a group of six, a piece of music for six performers, also SESTET, SESTETT, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTETTOsestetto n. (Music) A sestet.
SESTETTO n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTET, SESTETT, SESTETTE, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTETTSsestetts n. Plural of sestett.
SESTETT n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTET, SESTETTE, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTINASsestinas n. Plural of sestina.
SESTINA n. (Italian) an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINE, SEXTAIN.
SESTINESsestines n. Plural of sestine.
SESTINE n. an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas, also SESTINA, SEXTAIN.
SESTERCESsesterces n. Plural of sesterce.
SESTERCE n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERTIUS.
SESTERTIAsestertia n. Plural of sestertium.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SESTERTIIsestertii n. Plural of sestertius.
SESTERTIUS n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERCE.
SESTETTESsestettes n. Plural of sestette.
SESTETTE n. a group of six, a piece of music for six performers, also SESTET, SESTETT, SESTETTO, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTETTOSsestettos n. Plural of sestetto.
SESTETTO n. a piece of music composed for six voices or six instruments, also SESTET, SESTETT, SESTETTE, SEXTET, SEXTETT, SEXTETTE, SEXTUOR.
SESTERTIUMsestertium n. (Historical) A money of account equal to 1000 sestertii.
SESTERTIUM n. (Latin) a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces.
SESTERTIUSsestertius n. (Historical numismatics) A large bronze or (rarely) small silver coin minted during the Roman Republic…
SESTERTIUS n. (Latin) a Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, also SESTERCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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