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There are 9 words beginning with SENO

SENORsenor n. Alternative spelling of señor.
señor n. A Spanish term of address equivalent to sir or Mr., used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name…
SENOR n. (Spanish) a Spanish gentleman.
SENORAsenora n. Alternative spelling of señora.
señora n. A Spanish term of address equivalent to Mrs., used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of…
SENORA n. (Spanish) a married Spanish woman.
SENORSsenors n. Plural of senor.
SENOR n. (Spanish) a Spanish gentleman.
SENOPIAsenopia n. The apparent reversal of presbyopia in an elderly person, caused by swelling of the lens of the eye.
SENOPIA n. improvement of near vision occurring during the aging process.
SENORASsenoras n. Plural of senora.
señoras n. Plural of señora.
SENORA n. (Spanish) a married Spanish woman.
SENORESsenores n. Plural of senor.
señores n. Plural of señor.
SENOR n. (Spanish) a Spanish gentleman.
SENOPIASSENOPIA n. improvement of near vision occurring during the aging process.
SENORITAsenorita n. Alternative form of señorita, the character ñ being very rarely used in English.
señorita n. A young, unmarried woman in or from a Hispanophone community.
señorita n. A small species of wrasse, Oxyjulis californica.
SENORITASsenoritas n. Plural of senorita.
señoritas n. Plural of señorita.
SENORITA n. (Spanish) a mode of address for an unmarried woman, also SENHORITA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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