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There are 17 words beginning with SENA

SENASena prop.n. A language spoken in Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.
SENA n. (Hindi) in India, an army, esp. used of paramilitary organisations representing various castes.
SENASSENA n. (Hindi) in India, an army, esp. used of paramilitary organisations representing various castes.
SENARYsenary adj. Of sixth rank or order.
senary adj. (Arithmetic) Of, pertaining to, or based on six.
senary n. (Arithmetic) The numeral system which uses six as the base.
SENATEsenate n. In some bicameral legislative systems, the upper house or chamber.
senate n. A group of experienced, respected, wise individuals serving as decision makers or advisors in a political…
Senate prop.n. Any of several legislative bodies. (In countries which have multiple legislative bodies, the Senate…
SENARIIsenarii n. Plural of senarius.
SENARIUS n. (Latin) a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet.
SENATESsenates n. Plural of senate.
SENATE n. a governing body.
SENATORsenator n. A member, normally elected, in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate, as, for instance…
senator n. (Dated) A member of any legislative body or parliament, particularly the British Parliament.
senator n. (Historical) A member of the ancient Roman Senate.
SENARIESSENARY n. a set of six.
SENARIUSsenarius n. (Poetry) A verse having six metric feet.
SENARIUS n. (Latin) a Greek or Latin verse consisting of six metrical feet.
SENATORSsenators n. Plural of senator.
SENATOR n. (Latin) a member of a senate.
SENATORIALsenatorial adj. Relating to a senator.
senatorial adj. Relating to a senate.
senatorial adj. (US) Entitled to elect a senator, or by senators.
SENATORIANsenatorian adj. Senatorial.
SENATORIAN adj. of or pertaining to a senator, also SENATORIAL.
SENATORSHIPsenatorship n. The characteristics, role, or position of a senator.
SENATORSHIP n. the office of senator.
SENARMONTITEsenarmontite n. (Mineralogy) An isometric-hexoctahedral mineral containing antimony and oxygen.
SENARMONTITE n. antimony trioxide in cubic crystalline form.
SENATORIALLYsenatorially adv. In a senatorial manner.
SENATORIAL adv. of or pertaining to a senator, also SENATORIAN.
SENATORSHIPSsenatorships n. Plural of senatorship.
SENATORSHIP n. the office of senator.
SENARMONTITESSENARMONTITE n. antimony trioxide in cubic crystalline form.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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