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There are 6 words beginning with SAPA

SAPANsapan n. A wood producing a red dye, usually species Caesalpinia sappan.
Sapan prop.n. A male given name from Hindi used in India.
SAPAN n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPANWOOD, SAPPAN, SAPPANWOOD.
SAPANSsapans n. Plural of sapan.
SAPAN n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPANWOOD, SAPPAN, SAPPANWOOD.
SAPAJOUsapajou n. Any of several species of South American monkeys of the genus Cebus, with long prehensile tails.
SAPAJOU n. (Tupi) a long-tailed monkey, also SAJOU.
SAPAJOUSsapajous n. Plural of sapajou.
SAPAJOU n. (Tupi) a long-tailed monkey, also SAJOU.
SAPANWOODsapanwood n. Alternative form of sappanwood.
SAPANWOOD n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPPAN, SAPPANWOOD.
SAPANWOODSSAPANWOOD n. (Malay) the wood of a leguminous tree, formerly used to provide a red dye, also SAPAN, SAPPAN, SAPPANWOOD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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