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There are 10 words beginning with SADI

SADIsadi n. Alternative form of tsade.
SADI n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also SADE, SADHE, TSADE, TSADI, TZADDI.
SADISsadis n. Plural of sadi.
SADI n. (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter, also SADE, SADHE, TSADE, TSADI, TZADDI.
SADISMsadism n. (Chiefly psychiatry) The enjoyment of inflicting pain or humiliation without pity.
sadism n. Achievement of sexual gratification by inflicting pain or humiliation on others, or watching pain or…
sadism n. (Loosely) Deliberate or wanton cruelty, either mental or physical, to other people, or to animals, regardless…
SADISTsadist n. One who derives pleasure through cruelty or pain to others.
SADIST n. one who inflicts pain for pleasure.
SADIRONsadiron n. A flatiron which has a removable handle and is pointed at both ends.
sad-iron v. (Intransitive) To use a sadiron.
sad-iron v. (Transitive) To press with a sadiron.
SADISMSsadisms n. Plural of sadism.
SADISM n. pleasure gained from inflicting pain on another.
SADISTSsadists n. Plural of sadist.
SADIST n. one who inflicts pain for pleasure.
SADIRONSsadirons n. Plural of sadiron.
SADIRON n. a heavy flatiron with both ends pointed and a removable handle.
SADISTICsadistic adj. Delighting in or feeling pleasure from the pain or humiliation of others.
sadistic adj. Of behaviour which gives pleasure in the pain or humiliation of others.
sadistic adj. (Colloquial) Causing a high degree of pain or humiliation.
SADISTICALLYsadistically adv. In a sadistic manner.
sadistically adv. In a particularly horrible or brutal manner, as painfully as possible.
SADISTIC adv. like a sadist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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