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There are 14 nine-letter words beginning with STEN

STENCHFULstenchful adj. Full of stench; foul-smelling.
STENCHFUL adj. evil-smelling.
STENCHIERstenchier adj. Comparative form of stenchy: more stenchy.
STENCHY adj. having a foul odour.
STENCHINGstenching v. Present participle of stench.
STENCH v. to cause to stink.
STENCILEDstenciled v. Simple past tense and past participle of stencil.
STENCIL v. to produce by means of a perforated sheet of material.
STENCILERstenciler n. One who, or that which, stencils.
STENCILER n. one who paints or colors in figures by means of stencil, also STENCILLER.
STENLOCKSstenlocks n. Plural of stenlock.
STENLOCK n. (Scots) a coalfish.
STENOBATHstenobath adj. Alternative form of stenobathic.
STENOBATH n. a stenobathic organism.
STENOKIESSTENOKY n. (Greek) the ability to live only under limited conditions.
STENOKOUSstenokous adj. Alternative form of stenoecious.
STENOKOUS adj. able to live in a narrow range of environments.
STENOPAICstenopaic adj. Alternative form of stenopaeic.
STENOPAIC adj. of spectacles, optical instruments, etc., having a narrow slit or aperture; designating such a slit, also STENOPAEIC.
STENOSINGSTENOSING adj. causing or characterized by stenosis (as of a tendon sheath).
STENOTYPEstenotype n. A keyboard machine used to record a version of shorthand using a series of phonetic symbols.
stenotype n. Any of the characters used in this shorthand system.
stenotype v. (Transitive) To record using a stenotype.
STENOTYPYstenotypy n. The use of the stenotype to take down messages in shorthand.
STENOTYPY n. a type of shorthand using ordinary characters.
STENTOURSSTENTOUR n. one who determines tax to be paid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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