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There are 14 nine-letter words beginning with SERI

SERIALISEserialise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of serialize.
SERIALISE v. to convert into serial form, also SERIALIZE.
SERIALISMserialism n. (Music) Music, especially from the 20th century, in which themes are based on a definite order of notes…
SERIALISM n. serial technique, or the use of it, e.g. the twelve-note row.
SERIALISTserialist adj. (Music) Of, pertaining to, or employing serialism.
serialist n. (Music) A practitioner or adherent of serialism, an approach to composing which emphasizes the use of…
SERIALIST n. a writer of serials.
SERIALITYseriality n. The process of occurring in a sequential manner; a serial arrangement; a succession.
SERIALITY n. the state of being serial.
SERIALIZEserialize v. (Computing) To convert an object into a sequence of bytes that can later be converted back into an object…
serialize v. To write a television program, novel, or other form of entertainment as a sequence of shorter works…
serialize v. To publish (A book, play, etc.) in regular instalments, e.g. in a magazine.
SERIATELYseriately adv. In seriate fashion.
SERIATE adv. arranged in a series or rows.
SERIATINGseriating v. Present participle of seriate.
SERIATE v. to arrange in rows.
SERIATIONseriation n. The arrangement of things in a series.
seriation n. The relative dating of archaeological artifacts in a chronological order.
SERIATION n. arrangement or position in a series.
SERICEOUSsericeous adj. Of or relating to silk; consisting of silk; silky.
sericeous adj. (Botany) Covered with very soft hairs pressed close to the surface.
sericeous adj. (Zoology) Having a silky lustre, usually due to fine, close hairs.
SERICITESsericites n. Plural of sericite.
SERICITE n. a silky potash mica.
SERICITICsericitic adj. Of or relating to the mineral sericite.
SERICITIC adj. like sericite, a silky soapy potash mica.
SERIGRAPHserigraph n. A silkscreen print made by serigraphy.
serigraph n. An autographic device to test the strength of raw silk.
SERIGRAPH n. a silkscreen print.
SERINETTEserinette n. (Music) A small barrel organ once used to teach tunes to canaries.
SERINETTE n. (French) a small barrel-organ for training songbirds.
SERIOUSLYseriously adv. (Manner) In a serious or literal manner.
seriously adv. Gravely; deeply; very much.
seriously adv. Used to attempt to introduce a serious point in a less serious conversation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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