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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with SEPT

SEPTARIANseptarian adj. (Geology) Containing or relating to septaria.
SEPTARIAN adj. relating to a septarium, a flattened concretionary nodule.
SEPTARIUMseptarium n. (Geology) A flattened concretionary nodule, usually of limestone, intersected within by cracks which…
SEPTARIUM n. a nodule of mineral substance with a network of cracks filled with another mineral.
SEPTATIONseptation n. The division of a cavity by means of a partition.
septation n. (Biology) The development of a septum.
SEPTATION n. the state of being septate, partitioned by a septum.
SEPTEMFIDseptemfid adj. (Botany) cleft into seven.
SEPTEMFID adj. split into seven.
SEPTEMVIRseptemvir n. (Historical) A member of a septemvirate; one of seven people associated in some office.
SEPTEMVIR n. (Latin) one of a board of seven men associated in some office.
SEPTENARYseptenary adj. Consisting of or containing seven.
septenary adj. Of seventh rank or order.
septenary adj. Lasting seven years; continuing seven years.
SEPTENNIAseptennia n. Plural of septennium.
SEPTENNIUM n. a period of seven years.
SEPTETTESseptettes n. Plural of septette.
SEPTETTE n. a group of seven, also SEPTET, SEPTUOR.
SEPTICITYsepticity n. Tendency to putrefaction; septic quality.
SEPTICITY n. the state of being septic.
SEPTIFORMseptiform adj. Having the form of a septum.
septiform adj. Having seven parts; sevenfold.
SEPTIFORM adj. shaped like a partition.
SEPTIMOLEseptimole n. (Music) A group of seven notes to be played in the time of four or six.
SEPTIMOLE n. a group of seven notes to be played in the time of four or six.
SEPTLEVASseptlevas n. Plural of septleva.
SEPTLEVA n. (French) in the game of basset, seven times as much added to the first stake.
SEPTORIASSEPTORIA n. a type of fungus.
SEPTUPLEDseptupled v. Simple past tense and past participle of septuple.
SEPTUPLE v. to make seven times as great.
SEPTUPLESseptuples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of septuple.
SEPTUPLE v. to make seven times as great.
SEPTUPLETseptuplet n. A group of seven, particularly (music) a tuplet of seven notes.
septuplet n. One of a group of seven, particularly one of seven babies born at the same birth.
SEPTUPLET n. one of seven children born together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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