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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with STOC

STOCCADOstoccado n. (Obsolete) A stab with a pointed weapon.
STOCCADO n. (Italian) a stab; a straight thrust with a rapier, also STOCCATA.
STOCCATAstoccata n. Alternative form of stoccado.
STOCCATA n. (Italian) a straight thrust with a rapier, also STOCCADO.
STOCIOUSstocious adj. (Ireland, slang) very drunk, intoxicated.
STOCIOUS adj. (Irish slang) drunk, intoxicated, also STOTIOUS.
STOCKADEstockade n. (Military) an enclosure protected by a wall of wooden posts.
stockade n. (Colloquial) a military prison.
stockade v. (Transitive) To enclose in a stockade.
STOCKAGEstockage n. Stock; a supply of goods stored for later use.
STOCKAGE n. the amount of supplies on hand.
STOCKCARstockcar n. Alternative form of stock car.
stock␣car n. A racing car, such as those sanctioned by NASCAR and ARCA, nominally or notionally based on one of the…
stock␣car n. A railway car for carrying cattle.
STOCKERSstockers n. Plural of stocker.
Stockers prop.n. Plural of Stocker.
STOCKER n. an animal kept while being fattened or matured for slaughter.
STOCKIERstockier adj. Comparative form of stocky: more stocky.
STOCKY adj. having a short, thick body.
STOCKILYstockily adv. In a stocky manner.
STOCKY adv. having a short, thick body.
STOCKINGstocking n. A soft garment, usually knit or woven, worn on the foot and lower leg under shoes or other footwear.
stocking n. A broad ring of a different fur colour on the lower part of the leg of a quadruped.
stocking n. A knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted by a special process into an incandescent…
STOCKISHstockish adj. (Obsolete) Like a stock; stupid; blockish.
STOCKISH adj. like a stock; stupid.
STOCKISTstockist n. A retailer or distributor who has stocks of a certain type of item for sale.
STOCKIST n. a shopkeeper who stocks a specific line.
STOCKMANstockman n. A man who raises or looks after livestock.
stockman n. A person who works in a stockroom.
Stockman prop.n. A surname.
STOCKMENstockmen n. Plural of stockman.
STOCKMAN n. a man who owns or raises livestock.
STOCKPOTstockpot n. (Cooking) A large pot, such as is used for making stock or for cooking large amounts of soup.
STOCKPOT n. a pot for making soup.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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