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There are 12 eight-letter words beginning with STEP

STEPDADSstepdads n. Plural of stepdad.
STEPDAD n. a stepfather.
STEPDAMEstepdame n. (Archaic) A stepmother.
STEPDAME n. a stepmother.
STEPHANEstephane n. (Historical) An Ancient Greek headdress like a coronet.
STEPHANE n. (Greek) an ancient Greek headdress like a diadem.
STEPLESSstepless adj. Without a step or steps.
STEPLESS adj. lacking steps.
STEPLIKEsteplike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a step.
STEPLIKE adj. like a step.
STEPMOMSstepmoms n. Plural of stepmom.
STEPMOM n. (colloquial) a stepmother.
STEPNEYSStepneys prop.n. Plural of Stepney.
Stepneys n. Plural of Stepney.
STEPNEY n. (slang) a spare wheel.
STEPOVERstepover n. (Soccer) Alternative form of step over.
stepover n. A type of espalier where the tree or bush is made to grow horizontally above the ground, like a fence-rail.
step␣over n. (Soccer) A dribbling move, or feint, in football (soccer), used to fool a defensive player into thinking…
STEPPERSsteppers n. Plural of stepper.
STEPPER n. one who steps.
STEPPINGstepping v. Present participle of step.
stepping n. The act of taking a step.
stepping n. (Computing) A specific iteration of a model of central processing unit, often distinguished by the addition…
STEPSONSstepsons n. Plural of stepson.
STEPSON n. a son of one's spouse by a former marriage.
STEPWISEstepwise adj. One (small) step or stage at a time; gradual; piecemeal.
stepwise adv. One step or stage at a time; step by step.
STEPWISE adj. marked by a gradual progression.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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