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There are 11 eight-letter words beginning with SOLE

SOLECISEsolecise v. Alternative form of solecize.
SOLECISE v. to use an ungrammatical combination of words, also SOLECIZE.
SOLECISMsolecism n. An erroneous or improper usage.
solecism n. (Grammar) Error in the use of language.
solecism n. (By extension) A faux pas or breach of etiquette; a transgression against the norms of expected behavior.
SOLECISTsolecist n. (Obsolete, rare) One who commits a solecism.
solecist adj. (Obsolete, rare) Having the characteristics of a solecism.
SOLECIST n. one who commits a solecism.
SOLECIZEsolecize v. (Intransitive) To commit a solecism.
SOLECIZE v. to use an ungrammatical combination of words, also SOLECISE.
SOLELESSsoleless adj. Without a sole.
SOLELESS adj. without a sole.
SOLEMNERsolemner adj. Comparative form of solemn: more solemn.
SOLEMN adj. serious.
SOLEMNLYsolemnly adv. In a solemn manner.
SOLEMN adv. serious.
SOLENESSsoleness n. The quality of being sole; unity, singleness.
SOLENESS n. the state of being the only one.
SOLENOIDsolenoid n. (Physics) A coil of wire that acts as a magnet when an electric current flows through it.
solenoid n. (Engineering) An electromechanical device consisting of such a coil containing a metal core, the movement…
solenoid n. (Electronics) An electromechanical switch controlled by a solenoid; solenoid switch, relay.
SOLERETSsolerets n. Plural of soleret.
SOLERET n. a metallic pointy toed shoe worn by knights, aka sabaton, also SOLLERET.
SOLEUSESSOLEUS n. (Latin) a leg muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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