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There are 18 seven-letter words beginning with STRE

STREAKSstreaks n. Plural of streak.
streaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of streak.
STREAK v. to cover with long narrow marks.
STREAKYstreaky adj. Having streaks.
streaky adj. (Cricket) Used to describe a shot where the ball deflects off the edge of the bat, but is not caught…
streaky adj. (Chiefly of a person, usually North America) Having alternating periods of good and bad performances; inconsistent.
STREAMSstreams n. Plural of stream.
streams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stream.
Streams prop.n. Plural of Stream.
STREAMYstreamy adj. Resembling a stream; streamlike.
streamy adj. Full of streams.
STREAMY adj. streaming.
STREEKSstreeks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of streek.
STREEK v. to stretch; also, to lay out, as a dead body.
STREELSstreels n. Plural of streel.
STREEL v. (Irish) to trail, stream.
STREETSstreets n. Plural of street.
streets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of street.
Streets prop.n. A surname.
STREETYstreety adj. (Informal) Of the street, as a place of unpolished modern culture; streetwise.
STREETY adj. abounding in streets.
STRENESstrenes n. Plural of strene.
STRENE n. (Spenser) strain, in the sense of race, also STREIGNE.
STRESSYstressy adj. (Colloquial) stressful.
stressy adj. (Colloquial) stressed; irritable.
STRESSY adj. (colloquial) causing or affected by stress.
STRETCHstretch v. (Transitive) To lengthen by pulling.
stretch v. (Intransitive) To lengthen when pulled.
stretch v. (Transitive) To pull tight.
STRETTASTRETTA n. (Italian) a concluding musical passage played faster, also STRETTO.
STRETTESTRETTA n. (Italian) a concluding musical passage played faster, also STRETTO.
STRETTIstretti n. Plural of stretto.
STRETTO n. (Italian) a concluding musical passage played faster, also STRETTA.
STRETTOstretto n. (Music) The presence of two close or overlapping statements of the subject of a fugue, especially towards the end.
stretto n. (Music) An acceleration in the tempo of an opera that produces an ending climax.
stretto adv. (Music) With gradually increasing speed.
STREWEDstrewed v. Simple past tense of strew.
strewed v. Past participle of strew.
STREW v. to scatter, spread, also STROW.
STREWERstrewer n. One who strews something.
STREWER n. one who strews, also STROWER.
STREWTHstrewth interj. (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A mild oath expressing surprise or generally adding emphasis.
STREWTH interj. a mild oath, God's truth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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