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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with STER

STERANEsterane n. (Organic chemistry) A tetracyclic hydrocarbon related to the steroids.
STERANE n. any of a class of saturated polycyclic hydrocarbons found in crude oils.
STEREOSstereos n. Plural of stereo.
STEREO v. to make a type of printing plate.
STERILEsterile adj. (Not comparable) Unable to reproduce (or procreate).
sterile adj. (Figurative) Terse; lacking sentiment or emotional stimulation, as in a manner of speaking.
sterile adj. (Figurative) Fruitless, uninspiring, or unproductive.
STERLETsterlet n. A smaller, common Eurasian sturgeon, of the species Acipenser ruthenus.
STERLET n. (Russian) a small sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea.
STERNALsternal adj. (Anatomy) Of, relating to, or near the sternum.
STERNAL adj. pertaining to the sternum.
STERNEDsterned adj. Having a stern of a particular shape or kind.
STERN v. to back, row backwards, also STARN.
STERNERSterner prop.n. A surname.
STERN adj. severe.
STERNLYsternly adv. In a stern manner.
STERN adv. severe.
STERNUMsternum n. (Anatomy) The breastbone, consisting of the manubrium, gladiolus, and xiphoid process.
sternum n. (Arachnology) The sclerotized ventral plate of spiders, between the coxae, marking the floor of the cephalothorax.
STERNUM n. (Greek) a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates.
STEROIDsteroid n. (Biochemistry, organic chemistry) A class of organic compounds having a structure of 17 carbon atoms…
steroid n. (Bodybuilding, sports) Any anabolic hormone used to promote muscle growth or athletic performance.
STEROID n. any of a class of compounds including the sterols, bile acids, adrenal hormones, sex hormones.
STEROLSsterols n. Plural of sterol.
STEROL n. a solid higher alcohol, such as cholesterol or ergosterol.
STERTORstertor n. (Biology, medicine) The act of snoring, especially heavy snoring.
stertor n. (Biology, medicine) A snoring sound, as for example even during wakefulness in infants with breathing difficulties.
STERTOR n. (Latin) a heavy snoring sound, as that accompanying breathing in a deeply unconscious person.
STERVEDSTERVE v. (Spenser) to starve, die.
STERVESSTERVE v. (Spenser) to starve, die.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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