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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with SPIC

SPICATEspicate adj. (Botany) Having the form of a spike, or ear; arranged in a spike or spikes.
SPICATE adj. spiked; spikelike, also SPICATED.
SPICERSspicers n. Plural of spicer.
Spicers prop.n. Plural of Spicer.
SPICER n. (obsolete) a dealer in spices; an apothecary.
SPICERYspicery n. Spices, in general.
spicery n. (Archaic) A repository of spices.
SPICERY n. spices in general; a repository of spices.
SPICIERspicier adj. Comparative form of spicy: more spicy.
SPICY adj. tasting of spice, also SPICEY.
SPICILYspicily adv. In a spicy manner.
SPICY adv. tasting of spice, also SPICEY.
SPICINGspicing v. Present participle of spice.
SPICE v. to season with an aromatic vegetable substance.
SPICKERspicker adj. Comparative form of spick: more spick.
SPICK adj. tidy, fresh.
SPICULAspicula n. Plural of spiculum.
spicula n. A little spike; a spikelet or spiculum.
spicula n. A pointed fleshy appendage.
SPICULEspicule n. A sharp, needle-like piece.
spicule n. A tiny glass flake formed during the manufacture of glass vials.
spicule n. (Biology) Any of many needle-like crystalline structures that provide skeletal support in marine invertebrates…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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