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There are 8 seven-letter words beginning with SIDE

SIDEARMsidearm n. A personal weapon, such as a handgun or sword, carried on the hip in a belt, sheath, holster, etc., for rapid access.
sidearm v. To throw a ball with one’s arm roughly parallel to the ground.
sidearm adv. With one’s arm roughly parallel to the ground.
SIDEBARsidebar n. A short news story printed alongside a larger one.
sidebar n. A block of information placed at the side of a printed page.
sidebar n. (Internet) A block of information placed at the side of a webpage.
SIDECARsidecar n. A one-wheeled attachment to the side of a motorcycle to allow for a separate seat for a passenger or cargo space.
sidecar n. A cocktail made with cognac (or brandy), triple sec liqueur, and lemon juice.
SIDECAR n. a passenger car attached to a motorcycle.
SIDEDLYSIDEDLY adv. adverb used in combination.
SIDEMANsideman n. (Music) A soloist playing with a band or group of which he is not a regular member.
sideman n. (MLE, derogatory) Somebody who is unimportant or irrelevant.
SIDEMAN n. a member of a jazz band.
SIDEMENsidemen n. Plural of sideman.
SIDEMAN n. a member of a jazz band.
SIDERALsideral adj. Alternative form of sidereal.
SIDERAL adj. sent from the stars, said esp. of a malign influence.
SIDEWAYsideway n. A footpath near a road.
sideway n. A byway.
sideway adj. Sidelong.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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