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There are 9 seven-letter words beginning with SCAN

SCANDALscandal n. An incident or event that disgraces or damages the reputation of the persons or organization involved.
scandal n. Damage to one’s reputation.
scandal n. Widespread moral outrage, indignation, as over an offence to decency.
SCANDIAscandia n. Scandium oxide.
Scandia prop.n. (Poetic) Scandinavia.
Scandia prop.n. A hamlet in Alberta, Canada.
SCANDICscandic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to scandium.
SCANDIC adj. of or pertaining to the element scandium.
SCANNEDscanned adj. Converted to a digital format using a scanner.
scanned adj. Seen, looked at.
scanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of scan.
SCANNERscanner n. A device which scans documents in order to convert them to a digital medium.
scanner n. A radio receiver which iterates through a sequence of frequencies to detect signal.
scanner n. A device which uses radiation (Ultrasound, X-ray, etc.) to generate images of tissue or surfaces for…
SCANTEDscanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of scant.
scanted adj. (Archaic) Diminished; restricted.
SCANT v. to cut short, to spare.
SCANTERscanter adj. Comparative form of scant: more scant.
SCANT adj. scarce.
SCANTLEscantle v. (Obsolete, transitive) To scant; to be niggardly with; to divide into small pieces; to cut short or down.
scantle v. (Intransitive) To be deficient; to fail.
scantle n. A gauge for measuring slates.
SCANTLYscantly adv. In a way that is slightly lacking, that is scant of how much should be provided.
scantly adv. Barely; hardly; scarcely.
SCANT adv. scarce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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