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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with STAT

STATALstatal adj. (Dated) Pertaining to a State of the American Union, in contrast to the federal government.
statal adj. Relating to a state.
statal adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to a word or word form (such as a passive verb or a modifier) or other linguistic…
STATEDstated v. Simple past tense and past participle of state.
stated adj. Expressed in a statement; uttered or written.
stated adj. Settled; established; fixed.
STATERstater n. A gold, silver or electrum coin of ancient Greece.
stater n. One who states.
stater n. A citizen of the United States of America who is a confirmed or lifelong resident of one single state.
STATESstates n. Plural of state.
states v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of state.
States prop.n. (Informal, chiefly outside of the US) Short for United States.
STATICstatic adj. Unchanging; that cannot or does not change.
static adj. Making no progress; stalled, without movement or advancement.
static adj. Immobile; fixed in place; having no motion.
STATIMSTATIM adv. (Latin) immediately; at once.
STATINstatin n. (Pharmacology) Any of a class of drugs (chiefly lactones or pyrroles) that lower the amount of cholesterol…
statin n. (Endocrinology) An inhibiting hormone; a hormone that is involved primarily in inhibiting the release…
-statin suff. Used to form the names of statin drugs.
STATORstator n. The stationary part of a motor or other machine.
STATOR n. a part of a machine about which the rotor revolves.
STATTOstatto n. (Britain, slang) A person with a keen interest in statistics, particularly in sport.
STATTO n. (colloquial) a person who is preoccupied with the facts and figures of a particular subject, esp. a sport.
STATUAstatua n. (Now rare, archaic) A statue.
STATUA n. (obsolete) a statue.
STATUEstatue n. A three-dimensional work of art, usually representing a person or animal, usually created by sculpting…
statue n. (Dated) A portrait.
statue v. (Transitive) To form a statue of; to make into a statue.
STATUSstatus n. A person’s condition, position or standing relative to that of others.
status n. Prestige or high standing.
status n. A situation or state of affairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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