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List of 5-letter words beginning with

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There are 4 five-letter words beginning with STIL

STILBstilb n. (Physics) a unit of luminance equal to one candela per square centimetre.
STILB n. the c/g/s unit of intrinsic brightness.
STILEstile n. A set of one or more steps surmounting a fence or wall, or a narrow gate or contrived passage through…
stile n. A vertical component of a frame or panel, such as that of a door, window, or ladder.
stile n. Obsolete form of style.
STILLstill adj. Not moving; calm.
still adj. Not effervescing; not sparkling.
still adj. Uttering no sound; silent.
STILTstilt n. Either of two poles with footrests that allow someone to stand or walk above the ground; used mostly by entertainers.
stilt n. A tall pillar or post used to support some structure; often above water.
stilt n. Any of various wading birds of the genera Himantopus and Cladorhynchus, related to the avocet, that…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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