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List of 12-letter words beginning with

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There are 20 twelve-letter words beginning with STRI

STRICTNESSESstrictnesses n. Plural of strictness.
STRICTNESS n. the state of being strict.
STRIDELEGGEDstridelegged v. Simple past tense and past participle of strideleg.
stridelegged adj. In a position astride something.
STRIDELEGGED adv. (Scots) astride, also STRIDELEGS.
STRIDULANTLYstridulantly adv. In a stridulant manner.
STRIDULANT adv. stridulating.
STRIDULATINGstridulating v. Present participle of stridulate.
STRIDULATE v. to make a chirping or scraping sound, like a grasshopper.
STRIDULATIONstridulation n. A high-pitched chirping, grating, hissing, or squeaking sound, as male crickets and grasshoppers make…
STRIDULATION n. the shrill sound produced by crickets and other insects.
STRIDULATORSstridulators n. Plural of stridulator.
STRIDULATOR n. an insect that makes a sound by scraping.
STRIDULATORYstridulatory adj. (Usually entomology) Able to stridulate, used in stridulating, or adapted for stridulation.
STRIDULATORY adj. of or like stridulation.
STRIDULOUSLYstridulously adv. In a stridulous manner.
STRIDULOUS adv. squeaky.
STRIKINGNESSstrikingness n. The state or condition of being striking.
STRIKINGNESS n. the state of being striking.
STRINGBOARDSstringboards n. Plural of stringboard.
STRINGBOARD n. a board that covers the ends of the steps in a staircase.
STRINGCOURSEstringcourse n. (Architecture) A thin projecting course of brickwork or stone that runs horizontally around a building…
string␣course n. Alternative form of stringcourse.
STRINGCOURSE n. a horizontal band or molding set in the front of a building.
STRINGENCIESstringencies n. Plural of stringency.
STRINGENCY n. the state of being stringent.
STRINGHALTEDstringhalted adj. Affected with stringhalt; lame.
STRINGHALTED adj. afflicted with stringhalt, a jerking lameness in which a horse suddenly twitches up its leg or legs.
STRINGPIECESstringpieces n. Plural of stringpiece.
STRINGPIECE n. the heavy squared timber lying along the top of the piles forming a dock front or timber pier.
STRINGYBARKSstringybarks n. Plural of stringybark.
STRINGYBARK n. an Australian tree, a kind of eucalyptus.
STRIPINESSESSTRIPINESS n. the state of being stripy.
STRIPPAGRAMSstrippagrams n. Plural of strippagram.
STRIPPAGRAM n. a greetings message delivered by a stripper who does a striptease on delivery, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPERGRAM.
STRIPPERGRAMstrippergram n. A stripper hired to deliver a message or greeting.
STRIPPERGRAM n. a message delivered by a messenger who performs a striptease act for the recipient, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPAGRAM.
STRIPTEASERSstripteasers n. Plural of stripteaser.
STRIPTEASER n. one who carries out a striptease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 146 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 50 words

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