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There are 16 eleven-letter words beginning with SUFF

SUFFERANCESsufferances n. Plural of sufferance.
SUFFERANCE n. passive tolerance, by the absence of objection rather than by express permission.
SUFFERINGLYsufferingly adv. With suffering.
SUFFICIENCEsufficience n. (Obsolete) The condition or quality of being sufficient; sufficiency.
sufficience n. (Obsolete) Capability; competence.
SUFFICIENCE n. (archaic) a sufficiency.
SUFFICIENCYsufficiency n. (Uncountable) The quality or condition of being sufficient.
sufficiency n. (Countable) An adequate amount.
SUFFICIENCY n. the state of being sufficient, also SUFFICIENCE.
SUFFICIENTSSUFFICIENT n. something sufficient.
SUFFIGANCESSUFFIGANCE n. (Shakespeare) Dogberry's blunder for suffisance.
SUFFISANCESSUFFISANCE n. (obsolete) sufficiency.
SUFFIXATIONsuffixation n. The process of adding a suffix to a word.
SUFFIXATION n. the act of creating a suffix.
SUFFLATIONSsufflations n. Plural of sufflation.
SUFFLATION n. (archaic) the act of blowing up or inflating.
SUFFOCATINGsuffocating v. Present participle of suffocate.
suffocating n. Suffocation.
SUFFOCATING adj. oppressive.
SUFFOCATIONsuffocation n. (Uncountable) Asphyxia—a condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the…
suffocation n. (Countable) A particular act of death or killing by means of asphyxia.
SUFFOCATION n. the act of suffocating.
SUFFOCATIVEsuffocative adj. Tending or able to choke or stifle.
SUFFOCATIVE adj. serving to suffocate.
SUFFRAGETTEsuffragette n. (Historical) A female supporter, often militant, of women’s right to vote in the early 20th century…
SUFFRAGETTE n. (historical) a member of a movement demanding votes for women.
SUFFRAGISTSsuffragists n. Plural of suffragist.
SUFFRAGIST n. one who possesses or exercises the political right of suffrage.
SUFFUMIGATEsuffumigate v. To fumigate from below.
suffumigate v. To apply fumes or smoke to the parts of, as to the body in medicine; to fumigate in part.
SUFFUMIGATE v. to fumigate from below.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 29 words
  • Scrabble in French: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 81 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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