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There are 16 ten-letter words beginning with SOLE

SOLECISINGsolecising v. Present participle of solecise.
SOLECISE v. to use an ungrammatical combination of words, also SOLECIZE.
SOLECISTICsolecistic adj. Pertaining to or involving a solecism.
SOLECISTIC adj. having the nature of a solecism, also SOLECISTICAL.
SOLECIZINGsolecizing v. Present participle of solecize.
SOLECIZE v. to use an ungrammatical combination of words, also SOLECISE.
SOLEMNISEDsolemnised v. Simple past tense and past participle of solemnise.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.
SOLEMNISERsolemniser n. Alternative form of solemnizer.
SOLEMNISER n. one who solemnises, also SOLEMNIZER.
SOLEMNISESsolemnises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solemnise.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.
SOLEMNIZEDsolemnized v. Simple past tense and past participle of solemnize.
SOLEMNIZE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNISE.
SOLEMNIZERsolemnizer n. One who solemnizes.
SOLEMNIZER n. one who solemnizes, also SOLEMNISER.
SOLEMNIZESsolemnizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solemnize.
SOLEMNIZE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNISE.
SOLEMNNESSsolemnness n. The state or quality of being solemn.
SOLEMNNESS n. the state of being solemn, also SOLEMNESS.
SOLENESSESSOLENESS n. the state of being the only one.
SOLENETTESsolenettes n. Plural of solenette.
SOLENETTE n. a small European species of sole.
SOLENODONSsolenodons n. Plural of solenodon.
SOLENODON n. either of two species of singular West Indian insectivores, allied to the tenrec.
SOLENOIDALsolenoidal adj. Characteristic of a solenoid.
solenoidal adj. (Vector calculus) Describing a vector field having no divergence anywhere.
SOLENOIDAL adj. like a solenoid.
SOLEPLATESsoleplates n. Plural of soleplate.
SOLEPLATE n. a bedplate; as, the soleplate of a steam engine.
SOLEPRINTSSOLEPRINT n. the print of the sole of the foot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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