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There are 15 ten-letter words beginning with SECU

SECULARISEsecularise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of secularize.
SECULARISE v. to convert from regular or monastic into secular; as, to secularize a priest or a monk, also SECULARIZE.
SECULARISMsecularism n. Neutrality towards all religions.
secularism n. The political belief in the separation of church and state, i.e. the position that religious belief…
SECULARISM n. the belief that the state, morals, education, etc., should be independent of religion.
SECULARISTsecularist n. A person who believes in or supports secularism.
SECULARIST n. an adherent of secularism.
SECULARITYsecularity n. The state of being secular.
SECULARITY n. supreme attention to the things of the present life.
SECULARIZEsecularize v. (Transitive) To make secular.
SECULARIZE v. to convert from regular or monastic into secular; as, to secularize a priest or a monk, also SECULARISE.
SECUNDINESsecundines n. Plural of secundine.
SECUNDINE n. the second of the two integuments of an ovule.
SECURANCESsecurances n. Plural of securance.
SECURANCE n. the act of securing.
SECUREMENTsecurement n. The act of securing.
SECUREMENT n. the act of securing.
SECURENESSsecureness n. The quality or state of being secure, security.
SECURENESS n. the state of being secure.
SECURIFORMsecuriform adj. Having the form of an axe or hatchet.
SECURIFORM adj. shaped like an axe.
SECURITANSsecuritans n. Plural of securitan.
SECURITAN n. (obsolete) someone who dwells in fancied security.
SECURITIESsecurities n. Plural of security.
SECURITY n. the state of being secure.
SECURITISEsecuritise v. Alternative spelling of securitize.
SECURITISE v. to make debts into securities, also SECURITIZE.
SECURITIZEsecuritize v. (Finance) To convert assets (typically outstanding loans or other receivables) to securities, usually…
SECURITIZE v. to make debts into securities, also SECURITISE.
SECUROCRATsecurocrat n. Any of the members of the police and security service that dominated the South African government in the 1980s.
securocrat n. An influential official of the security services of any country.
SECUROCRAT n. an important personage in the security services.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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