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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 9 ten-letter words beginning with SARC

SARCOCARPSsarcocarps n. Plural of sarcocarp.
SARCOCARP n. the fleshy part of a stone fruit.
SARCOCOLLAsarcocolla n. Alternative form of sarcocol (“type of gum resin”).
SARCOCOLLA n. (Greek) a Persian gum from Astragalus or other plants, reputed to heal wounds.
SARCOLEMMAsarcolemma n. (Anatomy) A thin cell membrane that surrounds a striated muscle fibre.
SARCOLEMMA n. the cell membrane enclosing a muscle fibre.
SARCOMERESsarcomeres n. Plural of sarcomere.
SARCOMERE n. a unit of myofibril, in muscle.
SARCOPENIAsarcopenia n. (Pathology) Gradual loss of skeletal muscle due to aging, immobility, illness, or combinations thereof.
SARCOPENIA n. reduction in muscle tissue as a result of ageing.
SARCOPHAGIsarcophagi n. Plural of sarcophagus.
SARCOPHAGUS n. a stone coffin.
SARCOPLASMsarcoplasm n. (Anatomy) The interfibrillar cytoplasm of striated muscle.
SARCOPLASM n. the protoplasmic substance separating the fibrils in muscle fibres.
SARCOSOMALsarcosomal adj. Relating to sarcosomes.
SARCOSOMAL adj. of or like a sarcosome.
SARCOSOMESsarcosomes n. Plural of sarcosome.
SARCOSOME n. a mitochondrion of a striated muscle fire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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