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There are 16 nine-letter words beginning with SPH

SPHACELUSsphacelus n. (Medicine) gangrenous part.
sphacelus n. (Medicine) gangrene; slough.
SPHACELUS n. necrosis, mortification.
SPHAERITEsphaerite n. Alternative form of spherite.
SPHAERITE n. a hydrous aluminium phosphate.
SPHAGNOUSsphagnous adj. Pertaining to, or consisting of, sphagnum.
SPHAGNOUS adj. pertaining to moss of the genus Sphagnum, or bog moss.
SPHAGNUMSsphagnums n. Plural of sphagnum.
SPHAGNUM n. (Greek) a grayish moss.
SPHAIREESSPHAIREE n. (Australian) an alternative to tennis played on a very small court, e.g. a garage floor.
SPHENDONEsphendone n. (Historical) An Ancient Greek headband worn by women.
sphendone n. (Historical) An elliptical or semi-elliptical auditorium.
SPHENDONE n. (Greek) a headband or fillet worn by women in ancient Greece.
SPHENODONsphenodon n. The tuatara.
Sphenodon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sphenodontidae – the three species of tuatara.
SPHENODON n. a member of the Sphenodont group of lizards, to which the tuatara belongs.
SPHENOIDSsphenoids n. Plural of sphenoid.
SPHENOID n. a wedge-shaped bone.
SPHERICALspherical adj. (Geometry) Shaped like a sphere.
spherical adj. (Geometry, not comparable) Of, or pertaining to, spheres.
spherical adj. (Mathematics) Of a coordinate system, specifying the location of a point in a plane by using a radius and two angles.
SPHERIESTSPHERY adj. resembling a sphere.
SPHEROIDSspheroids n. Plural of spheroid.
SPHEROID n. a body resembling or approximating to a sphere in shape.
SPHERULARspherular adj. Being or relating to a spherule.
SPHERULAR adj. like a spherule or small sphere.
SPHERULESspherules n. Plural of spherule.
SPHERULE n. a small sphere.
SPHINCTERsphincter n. (Anatomy) A ringlike band of muscle that surrounds a bodily opening (such as the anus or the openings…
SPHINCTER n. a ringlike muscle whose contraction narrows or shuts an orifice, e.g. the anus.
SPHINGIDSsphingids n. Plural of sphingid.
SPHINGID n. a member of the Sphingidae family, hawkmoths.
SPHYGMOIDsphygmoid adj. Pulse-like.
SPHYGMOID adj. like a pulse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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