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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with SIT

SITARISTSsitarists n. Plural of sitarist.
SITARIST n. one who plays the sitar.
SITATUNGAsitatunga n. The marsh buck, Tragelaphus spekeii.
SITATUNGA n. (Swahili) a species of African antelope, also SITUTUNGA.
SITIOLOGYsitiology n. Alternative form of sitology.
SITIOLOGY n. the science of diet, also SITOLOGY.
SITKAMERSSITKAMER n. (South African) a sitting-room.
SITTELLASsittellas n. Plural of sittella.
SITTELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITELLA.
SITUATINGsituating v. Present participle of situate.
SITUATE v. to place in a certain position.
SITUATIONsituation n. The combination of circumstances at a given moment; a state of affairs.
situation n. The way in which something is positioned vis-à-vis its surroundings.
situation n. The place in which something is situated; a location.
SITUTUNGAsitutunga n. Alternative form of sitatunga.
SITUTUNGA n. (Swahili) a species of African antelope, also SITATUNGA.
SITZKRIEGsitzkrieg n. Warfare without any military operations or campaigns, a stalemate.
sitzkrieg n. The Phoney War (French: Drôle de guerre; German: Sitzkrieg) was an eight-month period at the start of…
SITZKRIEG n. (German) (virtual) stalemate in warfare.
SITZMARKSsitzmarks n. Plural of sitzmark.
SITZMARK n. (German) a mark in the snow by a skier who has fallen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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