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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with SUF

SUFFARISSUFFARI n. (Swahili) a hunting expedition, also SAFARI.
SUFFECTSsuffects n. Plural of suffect.
SUFFECT n. (Latin) in ancient Rome, an additional consul elected during the official year.
SUFFEREDsuffered v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffer.
SUFFER v. to feel pain or distress.
SUFFERERsufferer n. One who suffers.
sufferer n. One who is afflicted.
SUFFERER n. one who suffers.
SUFFETESsuffetes n. Plural of suffete.
SUFFETE n. (Latin) one of the chief administrative officials of ancient Carthage.
SUFFICEDsufficed v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffice.
SUFFICE v. to be adequate.
SUFFICERsufficer n. A person who aims to be self-sufficient rather than to accumulate further wealth.
SUFFICER n. one who suffices.
SUFFICESsuffices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suffice.
suffices n. (Nonstandard) plural of suffix.
SUFFICE v. to be adequate.
SUFFIXALsuffixal adj. (Of a word) That may be modified by the addition of a suffix.
suffixal adj. (Of a term) Taking the role of a suffix.
SUFFIXAL adj. pertaining to a suffix.
SUFFIXEDsuffixed v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffix.
SUFFIX v. to add to the end of a root word.
SUFFIXESsuffixes n. Plural of suffix.
suffixes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suffix.
SUFFIX v. to add to the end of a root word.
SUFFLATEsufflate v. (Transitive, archaic) inflate; blow up.
SUFFLATE v. (archaic) to inflate.
SUFFRAGEsuffrage n. (Uncountable) The right or chance to vote, express an opinion, or participate in a decision, especially…
suffrage n. (Countable) A vote in deciding a particular question.
suffrage n. (Countable, Christianity) A prayer, for example a prayer offered for the faithful dead.
SUFFUSEDsuffused v. Simple past tense and past participle of suffuse.
SUFFUSE v. to spread throughout.
SUFFUSESsuffuses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suffuse.
SUFFUSE v. to spread throughout.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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