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There are 16 eight-letter words beginning with SED

SEDATELYsedately adv. Calmly, without excessive emotion or force; in a composed manner.
SEDATE adv. calm, self-possessed.
SEDATESTsedatest adj. Superlative form of sedate: most sedate.
SEDATE adj. calm, self-possessed.
SEDATINGsedating v. Present participle of sedate.
SEDATE v. to tranquillise.
SEDATIONsedation n. The act of sedating, especially by use of sedatives.
SEDATION n. the reduction of stress by sedatives.
SEDATIVEsedative n. (Pharmacology) An agent or drug that sedates, having a calming or soothing effect, or inducing sleep.
sedative adj. (Pharmacology) Calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing.
SEDATIVE n. a drug that induces a calm state.
SEDERUNTsederunt n. (Scotland) A formal meeting, especially of a judicial or ecclesiastical body.
sederunt n. (Scotland) Those people present at such a meeting.
SEDERUNT n. (Latin) a prolonged sitting (as for discussion).
SEDGIESTsedgiest adj. Superlative form of sedgy: most sedgy.
SEDGY adj. bordered by sedge.
SEDILIUMsedilium n. (Historical) One of a row of seats in an Ancient Roman amphitheatre.
sedilium n. A seat in the chancel of a church near the altar, for the officiating clergyman.
SEDILIUM n. (Latin) a seat in a church for officiating clergy, also SEDILE.
SEDIMENTsediment n. A collection of small particles, particularly dirt, that precipitates from a river or other body of water.
sediment v. (Transitive) To deposit material as a sediment.
sediment v. (Intransitive) To be deposited as a sediment.
SEDITIONsedition n. Organized incitement of rebellion or civil disorder against authority or the state, usually by speech or writing.
sedition n. Insurrection or rebellion.
SEDITION n. incitement or rebellion against a government.
SEDUCERSseducers n. Plural of seducer.
SEDUCER n. one that seduces.
SEDUCINGseducing v. Present participle of seduce.
seducing n. Seduction.
SEDUCING adj. leading astray.
SEDUCIVEseducive adj. Obsolete form of seductive.
SEDUCIVE adj. able to seduce.
SEDUCTORseductor n. (Obsolete) One who seduces.
SEDUCTOR n. (obsolete) one who seduces or misleads.
SEDULITYsedulity n. Diligence, persistence.
SEDULITY n. the state of being sedulous, diligent.
SEDULOUSsedulous adj. Of a person: diligent in application or pursuit; constant and persevering in business or in endeavours…
sedulous adj. Of an activity: carried out with diligence.
SEDULOUS adj. diligent, persevering.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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