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There are 18 eight-letter words beginning with SAB

SABATONSsabatons n. Plural of sabaton.
SABATON n. (historical) a foot-covering as part of suit of armour.
SABAYONSsabayons n. Plural of sabayon.
SABAYON n. (French) a sauce of whipped egg yolks, sugar and wine.
SABBATHSsabbaths n. Plural of sabbath.
Sabbaths n. Plural of Sabbath.
SABBATH n. (Hebrew) an assembly of demons and witches, also SABBAT.
SABBATICsabbatic adj. Alternative form of sabbatical.
sabbatic n. Alternative form of sabbatical.
SABBATIC n. a period of leave from one's work, also SABBATICAL.
SABBINGSSABBING n. the performance of organized acts of sabotage.
SABELLASsabellas n. Plural of sabella.
SABELLA n. (Latin) any of a genus of tubicolous annelids having a circle of plumose gills around the head.
SABERINGsabering v. Present participle of saber.
SABER v. to strike with a type of sword, also SABRE.
SABKHAHSsabkhahs n. Plural of sabkhah.
SABKHAH n. (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides, also SABKHA, SABKHAT.
SABKHATSsabkhats n. Plural of sabkhat.
SABKHAT n. (Arabic) a broad, salt-encrusted coastal plain above the level of normal tides, also SABKHA, SABKHAH.
SABOTAGEsabotage n. A deliberate action aimed at weakening someone (or something, a nation, etc) or preventing them from…
sabotage v. To deliberately destroy or damage something in order to prevent it from being successful.
SABOTAGE v. to destroy maliciously.
SABOTEURsaboteur n. A person who intentionally causes the destruction of property in order to hinder the efforts of their enemy.
SABOTEUR n. (French) one who performs acts of sabotage.
SABOTIERsabotier n. A maker of sabots (in the sense of wooden shoes), clog maker, clogger.
sabotier n. A person who wears sabots.
SABOTIER n. (French) a wearer of wooden shoes.
SABREURSsabreurs n. Plural of sabreur.
SABREUR n. (French) a person, esp. a cavalry officer, who fights with a sabre.
SABULOSEsabulose adj. Alternative form of sabulous.
SABULOSE adj. sandy; growing in sandy places, also SABULOUS.
SABULOUSsabulous adj. Sandy or gritty.
SABULOUS adj. sandy; growing in sandy places, also SABULOSE.
SABURRALsaburral adj. Of or pertaining to saburra.
saburral adj. Resembling coarse sand.
SABURRAL adj. relating to saburra, granular matter deposited in the body.
SABURRASSABURRA n. (Latin) a granular deposit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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