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There are 11 seven-letter words beginning with SKA

SKAILEDSKAIL v. (Scots) to disperse, scatter, also SCAIL.
SKAITHSskaiths n. Plural of skaith.
SKAITH v. (Old Norse) (obsolete) to injure, also SCAITH, SCATH, SCATHE.
SKALDICskaldic adj. Of or relating to the skalds (Norse poets).
SKALDIC adj. pertaining to an ancient Scandinavian poet, also SCALDIC.
SKANGERskanger n. Alternative form of scanger.
SKANGER n. (Irish) a young working-class person who wears casual clothes.
SKANKEDskanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of skank.
SKANK v. to dance to reggae music, lifting the knees in a rapid jerky movement.
SKANKERskanker n. Someone who dances the skank.
skanker n. (Jamaica) A dishonest person, a dissolute person.
SKANKER n. one who skanks, dances to reggae music.
SKARTHSSKARTH n. (Scots) a cormorant, also SCART, SKART, SCARTH.
SKATERSskaters n. Plural of skater.
SKATER n. one who skates.
SKATINGskating v. Present participle of skate.
skating n. The action of moving along a surface (ice or ground) using skates.
skating n. (Uncountable) The sport of moving along a surface using skates.
SKATOLEskatole n. (Organic chemistry) A mildly toxic white crystalline organic compound of the indole family, occurring…
SKATOLE n. (Greek) a crystalline compound found in faeces and coal tar, also SCATOLE, SKATOL.
SKATOLSskatols n. Plural of skatol.
SKATOL n. (Greek) a crystalline compound found in faeces and coal tar, also SCATOLE, SKATOLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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