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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with SIT

SITCOMSsitcoms n. Plural of sitcom.
sit-coms n. Plural of sit-com.
SITCOM n. (colloquial) a situation comedy.
SITELLASITELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITTELLA.
SITFASTsitfast n. A callosity with inflamed edges, on the back of a horse, under the saddle.
sitfast adj. Fixed; stationary; immovable.
SITFAST n. a lump on a horse's skin.
SITHENSsithens adv. Obsolete form of sithence.
SITHENS adv. (Shakespeare) since; afterwards, also SENS, SITH, SITHEN, SITHENCE.
SITHINGsithing v. Present participle of sithe.
SITHE v. (archaic) to scythe.
SITINGSsitings n. Plural of siting.
SITING n. the act of situating.
SITREPSsitreps n. Plural of sitrep.
SITREP n. a report on a military position.
SITTARSSITTAR n. (Urdu) an Indian musical instrument, also SITAR.
SITTERSsitters n. Plural of sitter.
Sitters prop.n. Plural of Sitter.
SITTER n. one who sits.
SITTINEsittine adj. (Zoology, dated) Of or relating to the family Sittidae, or nuthatches.
SITTINE n. any of the nuthatch species in the genus Sitta.
SITTINGsitting n. A period during which one is seated for a specific purpose.
sitting n. A seance or other session with a medium or fortuneteller.
sitting n. A special seat allotted to a seat-holder, at church, etc.
SITUATEsituate v. (Transitive) To place on or into a physical location.
situate v. (Transitive) To place or put into an intangible place or position, such as social, ethical, fictional…
situate adj. (Now rare) Situated.
SITULAEsitulae n. Plural of situla.
SITULA n. (Latin) a bucket.
SITUSESsituses n. Plural of situs.
SITUS n. (Latin) the place to which for purposes of legal jurisdiction or taxation a property belongs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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