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There are 12 six-letter words beginning with SUC

SUCCAHsuccah n. Alternative spelling of sukkah.
SUCCAH n. (Hebrew) a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals.
SUCCESSUCCES n. (French) success.
SUCCORsuccor n. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of succour.
succor v. (American spelling) Alternative spelling of succour.
SUCCOR v. to go to the aid of, also SUCCOUR.
SUCCOSsuccos n. Plural of succah.
SUCCAH n. (Hebrew) a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals.
SUCCOTsuccot n. Plural of succah.
Succot n. Alternative spelling of Sukkot.
SUCCAH n. (Hebrew) a shelter where meals are eaten during Jewish festivals.
SUCCUSsuccus n. (Medicine, obsolete) The expressed juice of a plant, for medicinal use.
SUCCUS n. (Latin) juice, any fluid secretion from a plant or animal.
SUCKEDsucked v. Simple past tense and past participle of suck.
SUCK v. to draw in by establishing a partial vacuum.
SUCKENsucken n. (Obsolete) The duty of a tenant to bring corn etc to a particular mill to be ground.
sucken n. (Obsolete) The land astricted in this way.
SUCKEN n. a feudal district under a particular jurisdiction, also SOKEN.
SUCKERsucker n. A person or animal that sucks, especially a breast or udder; especially a suckling animal, young mammal…
sucker n. (Horticulture) An undesired stem growing out of the roots or lower trunk of a shrub or tree, especially…
sucker n. (By extension) A parasite; a sponger.
SUCKETsucket n. A candied fruit sweetmeat.
SUCKET n. (obsolete) a dainty or delicacy, also SUNKET.
SUCKLEsuckle n. (Obsolete) A teat.
suckle n. An act of suckling.
suckle v. (Transitive) To give suck to; to nurse at the breast, udder, or dugs.
SUCRESsucres n. Plural of sucre.
SUCRE n. a monetary unit of Ecuador, a silver coin worth 68 cents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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