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There are 8 six-letter words beginning with SOC

SOCAGEsocage n. (Historical) In the Middle Ages (and chiefly but not exclusively medieval England), a legal system whereby…
SOCAGE n. a form of feudal land tenure, also SOCCAGE.
SOCCERsoccer n. (Historically slang, now standard) association football.
soccer v. (Australian rules football) To kick the football directly off the ground, without using one’s hands.
SOCCER n. a type of ball game.
SOCIALsocial adj. Being extroverted or outgoing.
social adj. Of or relating to society.
social adj. (Internet) Relating to social media or social networks.
SOCKEDsocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sock.
socked adj. Wearing a sock or socks.
SOCK v. to strike forcefully.
SOCKETsocket n. (Mechanics) An opening into which a plug or other connecting part is designed to fit (e.g. a light bulb socket).
socket n. (Anatomy) A hollow into a bone which a part fits, such as an eye, or another bone, in the case of a joint.
socket n. (Computing) One endpoint of a two-way communication link, used for interprocess communication across a network.
SOCLESsocles n. Plural of socle.
SOCLE n. a plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall, column etc., also ZOCCO, ZOCCOLO.
SOCMANsocman n. (UK, law, obsolete) One who holds lands or tenements by socage; a socager.
SOCMAN n. a tenant by socage, also SOCAGER, SOCKMAN, SOKEMAN.
SOCMENsocmen n. Plural of socman.
SOCMAN n. a tenant by socage, also SOCAGER, SOCKMAN, SOKEMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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