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There are 19 six-letter words beginning with SAR

SARANSSarans prop.n. Plural of Saran.
SARAN n. a thermoplastic resin.
SARAPEsarape n. Alternative spelling of serape.
SARAPE n. (Spanish) a blanket or shawl worn as an outer garment by the Spanish Americans, as in Mexico, also SERAPE, ZARAPE.
SARDARSardar prop.n. A title of Persian origin used for military or political leaders.
Sardar prop.n. A surname from Persian.
SARDAR n. (Urdu) a native chief in Hindostan; a headman, also SIRDAR.
SARDELsardel n. (Mineralogy) sard.
sardel n. (Dated) A sardine.
SARDEL n. a small fish related to the sardine, also SARDELLE.
SAREESsarees n. Plural of saree.
SAREE n. (Hindi) an outer garment worn by Hindu women, also SARI.
SARGESsarges n. Plural of sarge.
SARGE n. (colloquial) sergeant.
SARGOSsargos n. Plural of sargo.
SARGOS n. (Spanish) a fish, the sea-bream, also SARGO, SARGUS.
SARGUSSargus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Stratiomyidae – soldier flies.
Sargus prop.n. Synonym of Diplodus (Sparidae).
SARGUS n. (Spanish) a fish, sea-bream, also SARGO, SARGOS.
SARINGSAR v. (Scots) to savour, also SAIR.
SARINSSarins prop.n. Plural of Sarin.
SARIN n. (German) a compound of phosphorus used as a lethal nerve gas.
SARMIEsarmie n. (Informal, South Africa) A sandwich.
SARMIE n. (South African) a sandwich, also SARNEY, SARNIE.
SARNEYsarney n. Alternative form of sarnie.
SARNEY n. (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNIE.
SARNIEsarnie n. (Britain, informal) A sandwich.
sarnie n. (UK, birdwatching) The Sandwich tern.
SARNIE n. (colloquial) a sandwich, also SARMIE, SARNEY.
SARODEsarode n. Alternative form of sarod.
SARODE n. (Hindi) an Indian instrument like a cello, also SAROD.
SARODSsarods n. Plural of sarod.
SAROD n. (Hindi) an Indian instrument like a cello, also SARODE.
SARONGsarong n. A garment made of a length of printed cloth wrapped about the waist that is commonly worn by men and…
SARONG n. (Malay) a sort of petticoat worn by both sexes in Java and the Malay Archipelago.
SARSARSarsar n. A harsh wind that whistles.
SARSAR n. a cold, whistling wind, also SANSAR.
SARSENsarsen n. Any of various blocks of sandstone found in various locations in southern England.
SARSEN n. a sandstone boulder of South England; such a stone used in a prehistoric monument, also SARSDEN.
SARTORsartor n. (Obsolete) A tailor.
Sartor prop.n. A surname.
SARTOR n. (Latin) a tailor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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