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There are 11 six-letter words beginning with SAC

SACBUTsacbut n. Alternative form of sackbut.
SACBUT n. a medieval trombone, also SACKBUT, SAGBUT.
SACCOIsaccoi n. Plural of saccos.
SACCOS n. (Greek) a Bishop's vestment like an alb, also SAKKOS.
SACCOSsaccos n. Alternative form of sakkos.
SACCOs n. Plural of SACCO.
SACCOS n. (Greek) a Bishop's vestment like an alb, also SAKKOS.
SACHEMsachem n. A chief of one or several Native American tribe(s), especially of the Algonquians; a sagamore.
sachem n. (Informal).
sachem n. (Politics) A high-ranking officer of the Tammany Hall political organization.
SACHETsachet n. A small scented cloth bag filled with fragrant material such as herbs or potpourri.
sachet n. (Cooking) A cheesecloth bag of herbs and/or spices added during cooking and then removed before serving.
sachet n. A small, sealed packet containing a single-use quantity of any material.
SACKEDsacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sack.
sacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sac.
SACK v. to put into a large bag.
SACKERsacker n. A person who sacks or plunders.
sacker n. A person who fills or makes sacks or bags.
sacker n. A machine or device for filling sacks.
SACQUEsacque n. Alternative spelling of sack (“a short, loose-fitting garment for women and children”).
SACQUE n. a woman's loose-fitting gown; a train of silk hanging from the shoulders of such a gown.
SACRALsacral adj. (Anatomy) Of the sacrum.
sacral adj. Sacred.
sacral n. Any of the sacral bones that make up the sacrum.
SACREDsacred adj. Characterized by solemn religious ceremony or religious use, especially, in a positive sense; consecrated, made holy.
sacred adj. Religious; relating to religion, or to the services of religion; not secular.
sacred adj. Spiritual; concerned with metaphysics.
SACRUMsacrum n. (Anatomy) A large triangular bone at the base of the spine, located between the two ilia (wings of the…
SACRUM n. (Latin) a bone of the pelvis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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