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There are 13 five-letter words beginning with SPR

SPRADsprad v. Obsolete form of spread.
sprad v. (Obsolete) past participle of spread.
SPREAD v. to stretch over an area.
SPRAGsprag adj. Alternative form of sprack.
sprag n. A billet of wood; a piece of timber, a similar solid object or constructed unit used as a prop.
sprag v. (Transitive) To check the motion of, as a carriage on a steep slope, by putting a sprag between the…
SPRATsprat n. Any of various small, herring-like, marine fish in the genus Sprattus, in the family Clupeidae.
sprat n. Any of various similar fish of other genera.
sprat n. (By extension) Anything petty or insignificant.
SPRAYspray n. A fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid.
spray n. (Figuratively) Something resembling a spray of liquid.
spray n. (Countable) A pressurized container; an atomizer.
SPREDspred v. Obsolete form of spread.
spred n. Obsolete form of spread.
SPRED v. (obsolete) to spread, also SPREDD, SPREDDE.
SPREEspree n. (In combination) Uninhibited activity.
spree n. (Dated) A merry frolic; especially, a drinking frolic.
spree v. (Intransitive, rare) To engage in a spree.
SPREWsprew n. (Medicine, US, dialect) thrush.
SPREW n. a thin, inferior asparagus.
SPRIGsprig n. A small shoot or twig of a tree or other plant; a spray.
sprig n. An ornament resembling a small shoot or twig.
sprig n. One of the separate pieces of lace fastened on a ground in applique lace.
SPRITsprit n. (Nautical) A spar between mast and upper outer corner of a spritsail on sailing boats.
sprit n. A shoot; a sprout.
sprit v. To sprout; to bud; to germinate, as barley steeped for malt.
SPRODsprod n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) A salmon in its second year.
SPROD n. a salmon in its second year.
SPROGsprog n. (UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, informal, humorous) A child.
sprog n. (UK, military, RAF, slang, derogatory) A new recruit.
sprog n. (Uncountable, Australia, slang, dated) Semen.
SPRUEsprue n. (Medicine) A tropical disease causing a sore throat and tongue, and disturbed digestion; psilosis.
sprue n. (Founding) The hole through which melted metal is poured into the gate, and thence into the mold.
sprue n. (Founding) Material that cools in the feed channels to a mold.
SPRUGsprug n. (Northern England, Scotland) house sparrow.
sprug v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make smart.
SPRUG n. (Scots) a sparrow, also SPEUG, SPUG, SPUGGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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