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There are 18 five-letter words beginning with SNO

SNOBSsnobs n. Plural of snob.
SNOB n. a person who puts too much value on social standing.
SNODSsnods n. Plural of snod.
SNOD v. to trim, tidy.
SNOEKsnoek n. (South Africa) An edible fish, Thyrsites atun, native to South African (Cape), South American and Australian…
snoek n. (South Africa, Natal) The queen mackerel, Scomberomorus lineolatus.
snoek n. (South Africa, Transkei) Any of several species of barracuda.
SNOEPSNOEP adj. (South African) tightfisted.
SNOGSsnogs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snog.
snogs n. Plural of snog.
SNOG v. (slang) to kiss.
SNOKESnoke prop.n. A surname.
SNOKE v. to prowl or sneak about, also SNOOK, SNOWK.
SNOODsnood n. A band or ribbon for keeping the hair in place, including the hair-band formerly worn in Scotland and…
snood n. A small hairnet or cap worn by women to keep their hair in place.
snood n. The flap of erectile red skin on the beak of a male turkey.
SNOOKsnook n. A freshwater and marine fish of the family Centropomidae in the order Perciformes.
snook n. Any of various other ray-finned fishes in several families.
snook v. To fish for snook.
SNOOLsnool n. (UK, dialect, archaic) An abject, cowardly person who submits tamely to others.
snool v. (UK, dialect, archaic, intransitive) To submit tamely to others.
SNOOL v. (Scots) to be tamely submissive.
SNOOPsnoop v. To be devious and cunning so as not to be seen.
snoop v. To secretly spy on or investigate, especially into the private personal life of others.
snoop n. The act of snooping.
SNOOTsnoot n. (Informal) An elitist individual; one who looks down upon lower social classes.
snoot n. A language pedant or snob; one who practices linguistic elitism. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
snoot n. (Dialectal or slang) A nose or snout, especially in derogatory use.
SNOREsnore v. To breathe during sleep with harsh, snorting noises caused by vibration of the soft palate.
snore n. The act of snoring, and the noise produced.
snore n. (Informal) An extremely boring person or event.
SNORTsnort n. The sound made by exhaling or inhaling roughly through the nose.
snort n. (Slang) A dose of snuff or other drug to be snorted.
snort n. (Slang) A consumed portion of alcoholic drink.
SNOTSsnots n. Plural of snot.
SNOT v. to blow the nose.
SNOUTsnout n. The long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast, as of pigs.
snout n. The front of the prow of a ship or boat.
snout n. (Derogatory) A person’s nose.
SNOWKSNOWK v. (Scots) to snuff or smell about, also SNOKE, SNOOK.
SNOWSsnows n. Plural of snow.
snows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snow.
Snows prop.n. Plural of Snow.
SNOWYsnowy adj. Marked by snow, characterized by snow.
snowy adj. Covered with snow, snow-covered, besnowed.
snowy adj. Snow-white in color, white as snow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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