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There are 19 five-letter words beginning with SCR

SCRABscrab v. (Transitive) To scrape or scratch.
scrab n. A crabapple.
SCRAB v. (dialect) to scratch, also SCRAT, SCRATCH, SCRATTLE, SCRAWM.
SCRAESCRAE n. (Scott) scree, loose rock debris.
SCRAGscrag n. (Archaic) A thin or scrawny person or animal.
scrag n. (Archaic) The lean end of a neck of mutton; the scrag end.
scrag n. (Archaic) The neck, especially of a sheep.
SCRAMscram v. (Intransitive, originally US, often imperative) To leave in a hurry; to go away.
scram v. (Transitive) To shut down (a nuclear reactor or, by extension, some other thing) for safety reasons…
scram v. (Intransitive) Of a nuclear reactor or some other thing: to shut down, usually because of an emergency.
SCRANscran n. (UK, Ireland, slang) Food, especially that of an inferior quality; grub.
scran n. Refuse; rubbish.
scran v. (Slang, Liverpudlian, Manchester) to eat.
SCRAPscrap n. A (small) piece; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion.
scrap n. (Usually in the plural) Leftover food.
scrap n. The crisp substance that remains after drying out animal fat.
SCRATscrat v. (Obsolete) To scratch; to use one’s nails or claws.
scrat v. (Obsolete, UK) To rake; to search.
scrat n. (Obsolete) A hermaphrodite.
SCRAWscraw n. A sod of grass-grown turf from the surface of a bog or from a field.
scraw n. A turf covering the roof of a cottage beneath the thatch.
SCRAW n. (archaic) a thin sod or turf.
SCRAYscray n. A tern; the sea swallow.
SCRAY n. the tern, also SCRAYE.
SCREEscree n. (Uncountable) Loose stony debris on a slope.
scree n. (Uncountable, by extension) Similar debris made up of broken building material such as bricks, concrete, etc.
scree n. (Countable) A slope made up of loose stony debris at the base of a cliff, mountain, etc.
SCREWscrew n. A device that has a helical function.
screw n. The motion of screwing something; a turn or twist to one side.
screw n. (Slang, derogatory) A prison guard.
SCRIMscrim n. A kind of light cotton or linen fabric, often woven in openwork patterns, used for curtains, etc,.
scrim n. A large military scarf, usually camouflage coloured and used for concealment when not used as a scarf.
scrim n. A woven, nonwoven or knitted fabric composed of continuous strands of material used for reinforcing…
SCRIPscrip n. A small medieval bag used to carry food, money, utensils etc.
scrip n. (Archaic) Small change.
scrip n. A scrap of paper.
SCROBSCROB v. to scrape with or as with claws.
SCRODscrod n. (New England, sometimes New York) Any cod, pollock, haddock, or other whitefish.
scrod v. (Transitive) To shred.
scrod v. (Nonstandard, New England, humorous) simple past tense and past participle of screw.
SCROGscrog n. A stunted or shrivelled bush.
scrog n. Brushwood.
scrog n. (Heraldry) The branch of a tree, especially one used as a blazon in Scotland.
SCROWscrow n. (Obsolete) A scroll.
scrow n. (Obsolete) A clipping from skins; a currier’s cuttings.
SCROW n. a scroll.
SCRUBscrub adj. Mean; dirty; contemptible; scrubby.
scrub n. One who labors hard and lives meanly; a mean fellow.
scrub n. One who is incompetent or unable to complete easy tasks.
SCRUMscrum n. A tightly-packed and disorderly crowd of people.
scrum n. (Canada) A tightly packed group of reporters surrounding a person, usually a politician, asking for…
scrum n. (Rugby) In rugby union or rugby league, all the forwards joined together in an organised way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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