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There are 7 thirteen-letter words beginning with SUC

SUCCENTORSHIPSUCCENTORSHIP n. the office of succentor.
SUCCESSIONISTsuccessionist n. One who insists on the importance of a regular succession of events, offices, etc.
SUCCESSIONIST n. a believer in the necessity of Apostolic succession.
SUCCESSLESSLYsuccesslessly adv. Without success.
SUCCESSLESS adv. without success.
SUCCESSORSHIPsuccessorship n. The state, condition, or status of being a successor.
SUCCESSORSHIP n. being a successor, one who succeeds.
SUCCINCTORIESSUCCINCTORY n. a band embroidered with an Agnus Dei, worn hanging from the girdle by the Pope on some occasions.
SUCCINCTORIUMsuccinctorium n. An ornament, resembling a small maniple, that hangs from the girdle used by the pope at the celebration of Mass.
SUCCINCTORIUM n. a band embroidered with an Agnus Dei, worn hanging from the girdle by the Pope on some occasions.
SUCCUSSATIONSsuccussations n. Plural of succussation.
SUCCUSSATION n. a violent shaking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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