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There are 19 twelve-letter words beginning with SUS

SUSCEPTANCESsusceptances n. Plural of susceptance.
SUSCEPTANCE n. the imaginary part of the admittance.
SUSCEPTIVITYsusceptivity n. Capacity for receiving; susceptibility.
SUSCEPTIVITY n. the state of being susceptive, susceptible.
SUSCITATIONSsuscitations n. Plural of suscitation.
SUSCITATION n. the act of suscitating.
SUSPENSELESSsuspenseless adj. Devoid of suspense.
SUSPENSELESS adj. without suspense.
SUSPENSIVELYsuspensively adv. (Law) Involving a suspension.
SUSPENSIVE adv. tending to suspend, or to keep in suspense.
SUSPENSORIALsuspensorial adj. Relating to a suspensorium.
SUSPENSORIAL adj. of or like the suspensorium.
SUSPENSORIESsuspensories n. Plural of suspensory.
SUSPENSORY n. a suspensory ligament, bandage, etc., also SUSPENSOR.
SUSPENSORIUMsuspensorium n. (Anatomy) Anything that suspends or holds up a part, especially the mandibular suspensorium, a series…
SUSPENSORIUM n. that which holds up a part, esp. the arrangement joining the lower jaw to the cranium in vertebrates below mammals.
SUSPICIONINGsuspicioning v. Present participle of suspicion.
SUSPICION v. to suspect.
SUSPICIOUSLYsuspiciously adv. (Manner) In a way suggesting suspicion.
suspiciously adv. (Manner) In a way that arouses suspicion.
suspiciously adv. (Evaluative) Causing suspicion.
SUSPIRATIONSsuspirations n. Plural of suspiration.
SUSPIRATION n. the act of sighing, or fetching a long and deep breath.
SUSTAININGLYsustainingly adv. So as to sustain or offer sustenance.
SUSTAINING adv. preserving life.
SUSTAINMENTSsustainments n. Plural of sustainment.
SUSTAINMENT n. the act of sustaining.
SUSTENTACULAsustentacula n. Plural of sustentaculum.
SUSTENTACULUM n. a supporting part or structure.
SUSTENTATINGsustentating v. Present participle of sustentate.
SUSTENTATE v. to sustain.
SUSTENTATIONsustentation n. The act or the result of sustaining; sustainment.
sustentation n. The aggregate of the functions by which a living organism is maintained in a normal condition of weight and growth.
sustentation n. (Christianity) The scheme by which the ministers of the Free Church of Scotland are supported by voluntary…
SUSTENTATIVEsustentative adj. Adapted to sustain, strengthen, or corroborate.
sustentative adj. (Biology) Relating to those functions of the body which affect its material composition and thus determine its mass.
SUSTENTATIVE adj. sustaining, enduring.
SUSTENTATORSsustentators n. Plural of sustentator.
SUSTENTATOR n. a sustaining part or structure.
SUSURRATIONSsusurrations n. Plural of susurration.
SUSURRATION n. whispering, murmuring, or rustling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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