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There are 20 ten-letter words beginning with SOR

SORBITISEDsorbitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sorbitise.
SORBITISE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITIZE.
SORBITISESsorbitises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sorbitise.
SORBITISE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITIZE.
SORBITIZEDsorbitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sorbitize.
SORBITIZE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITISE.
SORBITIZESsorbitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sorbitize.
SORBITIZE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITISE.
SORDAMENTESORDAMENTE adv. (Italian) gently, softly.
SORDIDNESSsordidness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being sordid.
sordidness n. (Countable) The result or product of being sordid.
SORDIDNESS n. the state of being sordid.
SOREHEADEDsoreheaded adj. Having a tendency to be angry or irritable, easily offended; like a sorehead.
SOREHEADED adj. irritable, grumpy.
SORENESSESsorenesses n. Plural of soreness.
SORENESS n. the state of being sore.
SORICIDENTSORICIDENT adj. having teeth like a shrew's.
SORORIALLYsororially adv. Alternative form of sororally.
SORORIAL adv. pertaining to sisters, also SORORAL.
SORORICIDEsororicide n. The killing of one’s sister.
sororicide n. A person who kills his or her sister.
SORORICIDE n. the killing of one's own sister.
SORORISINGsororising v. Present participle of sororise.
SORORISE v. to associate in a sisterly way, also SORORIZE.
SORORITIESsororities n. Plural of sorority.
SORORITY n. a social club for women.
SORORIZINGsororizing v. Present participle of sororize.
SORORIZE v. to associate in a sisterly way, also SORORISE.
SORROWINGSsorrowings n. Plural of sorrowing.
SORROWING n. the act of sorrowing.
SORROWLESSsorrowless adj. (Chiefly poetic) Devoid of sorrow.
SORROWLESS adj. free from sorrow.
SORTATIONSsortations n. Plural of sortation.
SORTATION n. sorting out.
SORTILEGERsortileger n. (Obsolete) A magician.
SORTILEGER n. one who divines by sortilege.
SORTILEGESsortileges n. Plural of sortilege.
SORTILEGE n. divination by drawing lots, also SORTILEGY.
SORTITIONSsortitions n. Plural of sortition.
SORTITION n. the casting of lots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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