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There are 9 words beginning with RECITATI

RECITATIONrecitation n. The act of publicly reciting something previously memorized.
recitation n. The material recited.
recitation n. A regularly scheduled class, in a school, in which discussion occurs of the material covered in a parallel lecture.
RECITATIVErecitative n. (Music) dialogue, in an opera etc, that, rather than being sung as an aria, is reproduced with the rhythms…
recitative adj. Of a recital.
RECITATIVE n. a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio, also RECITATIVO.
RECITATIVIRECITATIVO n. (Italian) a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio, also RECITATIVE.
RECITATIVOrecitativo n. (Music) A recitative.
RECITATIVO n. (Italian) a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio, also RECITATIVE.
RECITATIONSrecitations n. Plural of recitation.
RECITATION n. the act of enumerating.
RECITATIVESrecitatives n. Plural of recitative.
RECITATIVE n. a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio, also RECITATIVO.
RECITATIVOSrecitativos n. Plural of recitativo.
RECITATIVO n. (Italian) a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio, also RECITATIVE.
RECITATIONISTrecitationist n. One who gives a recitation; a public reciter.
RECITATIONIST n. a declaimer.
RECITATIONISTSrecitationists n. Plural of recitationist.
RECITATIONIST n. a declaimer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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